What's Up, Tiger Lily ? (1966)
Nov 29, 2008 by qp

So you want Plot? Woody Allen bought a Japanese spy movie, removed the voice track, and replaced it with one of his own. He doesn't seem to have bothered with the original script at all. Typical Joke: "Back off! My secret spy camera has taken pictures of you all through your clothes. Unless you release me, your naked photos will be sold in every school yard in Tokyo within the hour. Unless you are totally comfortable with your body, you must release me." Very funny, but also very unusual.
Hi there I have problem I downloaded all parts...this movie and HJSplit but I don't have any idea what I must do after downloaded....Should I change first part for any other kind of file or must "Split" file number 1?
Please help me...
after download you have 4 files... ... .001, .002, .003, .004. Open HJSplit click on join, NOT split, you are joining files. Follow the instructions...Thats it. Enjoy! :)
But when I open joining I cannot see any file because file 001 is avi not split.
BTW. Great Job all Allen movies in one place. Brilliant. But if you can help me it will be awesome.
there must be three 200MB files and one 100MB file with ... .avi.001 etc.
Try to rename it or maybe its corrupted...Then re-download will be needed. I am sorry...For me downloaded files are correct and it works. Good luck! :)